Thursday, February 21, 2013

The true value of a click!!

Conventionally, If 2% of clicks become leads, and 10% of leads become customers...and the average customer is worth $100 and you are spending $.5 per click...then each click is worth .2$, but, you have paid .5$ per click which makes your media purchase and the clicks that they drive not worth it! Is it time for you to rethink your web media strategy?
  • Maybe, you should rethink your strategy, if the only objective that you have is to drive the right ROI from the clicks that you are deriving in the narrow scheme of your weekly campaign execution. Renegotiate the rates, optimize the target audience, revisit the media mix, optimize your site, examine the offer etc. That will improve your chances of getting you to your goal of deriving the maximum, or at least, a justifiable value from your clicks.

  • However, have you challenged yourself by measuring those clicks that did not lead to revenue but helped connect your product or site to other users who were in the network of your click? Did that network generate traffic and hence revenue, if you think the answer is YES, get busy trying to measure, quantify and leverage that.

  • Are there clicks that did not lead to immediate purchase, but, helped a consumer in his journey through Awareness-Interest-Desire-Action, a journey that eventually ended in a purchase? If you think the answer is yes then please crack a way of managing consumers in all the phases of a purchase cycle by surrounding your clicks with a logical array of other marketing tools like eDM, DM, SMS and tele-calling, hopefully, in a sustainable and automated manner so as to derive the best ROI outcome and maybe making your web strategy successful. This will lead you to think about the life-cycle of a campaign and the logical end before which you think a campaign produces no more value.

  • And lastly, all your clicks are valuable, because, they tell a story as regards the behavior, segmentation, sensitivity to offer, perceptions etc of your consumers are concerned. Be sure to apply analytical models to all your clicks and learn from the outcomes of that analysis. If you do so, the story that will emerge will help you carve out ever more meaningful campaigns in the future. With the continuous improvement you will move well and towards your goals.

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