Thursday, December 26, 2013

Book Review, Narcopolis by Jeet Thayil

Shuklaji Street, in Old Bombay. In Rashid's opium room the air is thick and potent. A beautiful young woman leans to hold a long-stemmed pipe over a flame, her hair falling across her dark eyes. Around her, men sprawl and mutter in the gloom, each one drifting with his own tide. Here, people say that you introduce only your worst enemy to opium.Outside, stray dogs lope in packs. Street vendors hustle. Hookers call for customers through the bars of their cages as their pimps slouch in doorways in the half-light. There is an underworld whisper of a new terror: the Pathar Maar, the stone killer, whose victims are the nameless, invisible poor. There are too many of them to count in this broken city.

Jeet, he wins, and convincingly at that.

He succeeds in conveying the lost, untold history of Mumbai’s underbelly squalor of drugs and prostitution. One has to say though, that the book has an oriental feel to it, and at times it seems to have been force-fit into the city of Mumbai, as if an afterthought. Ethnic identity and its conflict, seems to be the underlying theme that the author has attempted to convey in his writing. Jeet has kept the ethnic personality of each character distinct by using variations of religion, sex, regional roots and economic strata to create a tension of human divide that runs throughout the book.

The story itself is molded around the drug habit of its characters. Each is from a unique background and the author leaves out details, often building characters halfway and moving on to other things that he wants to relate. It works and eventually the reader is filled with an entire social milieu that makes up this novel. The central character of the novel is a prostitute eunuch who mans the stall of an opium den run by Rashid. All characters seem to be eventually glued to this eunuch, Dimple. The story itself is a simple one, a biography of a few drug-addict souls whose lives are somehow tied together. What attracts and often enthralls, are the events that bring this book to life, like a window to a world that most of us will never know, since it is now obscured by the advent of modernity, destroying the ancientness of a Bombay. The raw parts of the story, like crime and acts of sexual violence are left uncooked and often tough and harsh to consume for a softer audience which looks for smooth well rounded writing.

His writing is new dawn for Indian writing. It has been compared with the all the great drug novels of the west, but the one book that belongs right next door to it is probably Suketu Mehta’s – Maximum City. Both the books feed off the persona of a unique city, Bombay. The writing is also reminiscent of a cruder more masculine form of Arundhati Roy. Large parts of the book dwell upon the process of writing and this to a writer is interesting. Other bits, where you expect details and further build ups, seem to be missing, left for the reader to fill up in their own minds. He is at his best in extremes, when he is supremely succinct and economical with words, or, meandering in prose, becoming fastidious with words at the other extreme. All through the book, it is a combination of these two styles that keeps the pages un-putdownable. There are obvious flaws in the book, like the lack of structured dialogue, to which, large chunky prose stretching often to pages is preferred, or, the gaps in narrative that are like empty spaces in an otherwise complete tale.

All in, the imperfection is what works, since the author has been able to take the same old themes of religious strife, substance abuse, family decay, poverty, urban decrepitude and put it across in a twisted yet delightful dim new light.

In the end, Jeet, he wins.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013



Scene 1: EXT. Suburban Train Station. Morning rush hour

SFX: Crowded commuter train station. Distinct beeps from the buttons of a person dialing a telephone number.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Welcome to Peoples Bank Credit Card Help Desk. Please key in your card number to continue
SFX: Beeps from cell phone key strokes.
b/g: Crowds and trains. (FEEBLE) Train station announcements. “Next train to Pasir Ris will arrive in 3 to 4 minutes at platform B. Please stand behind the yellow line. Repeats, in Tamil and Mandarin”.
SFX: Very quick menu selection with the automated voice menu being cut off before it can complete instructions
AUTOMATED VOICE: For English press 1….BEEP….. For balance enquiries press… BEEP…. For Change in … BEEP… BEEP… Pls hold the line while we transfer you to an operator. This call may be recorded for quality purposes.
SFX: Phone rings. Crowded commuter station in the background. “For your own safety please stand behind the yellow line..”
CALL CENTER OPERATOR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Good morning, you have reached Shirley. Before I access your account I need to ask you a few questions. Can you please read out the three digit security code behind your card?
DAVID: 736. And I know you are not Shirley, that is not your real name, you could be in Manila or Chengdu using your accent trained voice, practiced less than a month back.
CALL CENTER OPERATOR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Thank you. May I have your full name and date of birth?
CALL CENTER OPERATOR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Thank you Mr. David. What was your last card transaction please?
CALL CENTER OPERATOR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Thank you. How may I help you today?
DAVID: Can you please transfer me to Lucy. I need to speak to her since she has my case history. It is long and I am sick and tired of repeating it over and over to new agents. So please save all of us the trouble and transfer this line to Lucy.
CALL CENTER OPERATOR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Sir, I have all your transaction records and will be able…..
DAVID: (IRRITATED VOICE) Look just transfer me to Lucy. I will give you that ONE rating you never get from any of your callers. OK?
CALL CENTER OPERATOR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Let me transfer you now. Please don’t forget to key in the survey at the end of this call. It means a lot to us.
SFX: Sound from riding inside a train. Sound of transferring the call. Beeps, before phone rings.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): You have reached Lucy, how may I help you?
DAVID: Oh Lucy it is me David. Why do I have to jump through these hoops each morning before I can hear your voice? Why can’t I just have your cell phone number so I can call you every day…
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): You know David the rest of the operators are just as capable of handling your card related issues.
DAVID: (CUTS HER OFF) Yes but I hate speaking to faked accents coming through from congested third world cities. They are too perfect to be true; there is imperfection in all reality.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): How do you know I am not an accent trained operator who has just fought through the crowded streets of Delhi to reach my work place this morning? Anyway, like I tell you every morning, our calls will have to be work related, else my productivity scores can drop and this impacts my salary.
DAVID: I did as you told me dear. I have applied for three more cards from your Bank. I am also starting to put all my expenses onto my existing card.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE, CUTS HIM OFF): Hmmm. Let me check the status of your applications. (PAUSE AND KEYBOARD CLICKS) Yes we seem to have received them, and we should be able to process the same in a couple of days. You must exceed the average monthly spend of twenty thousand dollars to qualify for Gold status.
DAVID: Must I have to be a Gold customer before I can get a dedicated call agent. Why can’t I just meet you this evening and then we can work things out?
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE, EMPHASIS ON PRONOUNCIATION, CONSTERNATION): Work-things-out-NONSENSE. I am just your help desk assistant, a faceless voice who helps with your credit cards. There is nothing to work out, except maybe for you to have therapy about being obsessed with a call center agent. That is all.
DAVID: Please don’t be angry with me. You are the only one who listens to me and understands me. At work I get mocked, at home I am hen pecked, even the neighbor’s dog thinks of me as a-nobody. But you listen to me and solve my problem. Don’t be cross. I beg you, it will ruin my day.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE, VOICE SOFTENS) David you have to understand this, I have targets to meet and I don’t mind speaking to you, in fact I enjoy our morning chats, but you have to qualify upto Gold before I can assign myself as your agent. I will accelerate your applications, but once you get your cards just do as I say. OK dear?
DAVID: I don’t know you, but I love you. Like a dog loves his mistress.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): OK listen I will ask Shirley to report our call today as a complicated balance enquiry from a dull customer, that way at least I can account for the time.
DAVID: Shirley is not her real name is it?
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): It does not matter; I am here to service you.
DAVID: Lucy when can we meet, I need to see you.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE, LAUGHS PETULANTLY): You spend your way upto Gold status and then we will see. OK let’s end our call like we usually do. Why don’t you ask me the three questions that can lead you to me?
DAVID: Why do you tantalize me like this?
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): I never do, and you just wasted a question.
DAVID: Do you love me?
DAVID: You have long curly golden hair?
DAVID: I want to feel the fragrance that they hold….
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE, CUTS DAVID OFF): As always, one of my three answers is a lie. (PAUSE) Thank you for selecting Peoples Bank, we care for you and hope you have a great deal ahead.
DAVID: I will call you in the evening, same line…..
SFX: Telephone disconnects. Train doors swishing open….”Raffles Place, Next stop Tanjong Pagar”…
AUTOMATED VOICE: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Please press hex for participating in our customer experience survey.
SFX: Phone hanging up…
DAVID: Bugger off, customer experience my foot.


SFX: Sound of cracking and frying eggs, Cutlery being laid out, Sounds of breakfast
B/g: Newsreader (Fanfare) “Good morning and welcome to this edition of the world news brought to you by Media Channel Limited. First the main news, the civil war in ….”
BETINA: Morning David, my darling hubby. Slept well, I hope?
DAVID: Yes once I got past your snoring…
BETINA: (GIGGLING): Sorry dear, just wake me up and I will make my way to the couch.
SFX: Sound of cups clinking and pouring of coffee
DAVID: (SOUND OF OPENING A PAPER AND SIPPING COFFEE) It’s OK, eventually I slept well. Now let us see what has been happening in our world.
BETINA: Hey, What is with all these letters and envelopes from Peoples Bank in the mail lately…
DAVID: Where are they? Did you open them?
BETINA: Of course I did, remember you wanted me to pay your bills. You have got three shiny new credit cards in the mail. I thought of asking you before destroying them. We should complain about sending unsolicited products that we don’t need.
DAVID: (ANGRY, VOICE RAISED): Don’t you dare open my mail again OK. Where are they, get them over at once.
BETINA: Hey, I have been opening your mail for the last ten years! What’s with you?
DAVID: Its nothing just give me the mail.
SFX: Sound of papers exchanging hands
BETINA: Here you go, and sorry I opened and saw your new credit cards (GIGGLES). Are you going to use them?
DAVID: Yes, actually I am planning to put all our spending on credit cards and enjoy the benefits of all the loyalty points that I can accrue. I don’t know why we didn’t do that for so many years?
BETINA: Suits me, let us celebrate our anniversary earlier this year. I will skip cooking tonight and you can use your cards to pay for a candle lit dinner. Once we get home I will show what I can do in bed besides snoring (GIGGLES).
DAVID: Ok let us see about that….
BETINA: What happened? Lately you have been very cold, we haven’t even made out in weeks, and you seem so lost.
DAVID: Look there has been a lot on my mind. This is the last year that I can hope to get that promotion; else we are downhill from here.
BETINA: It’s Ok you don’t have to get worked up over it. Just try your best and we can move on. A promotion will not change things much for us. We are happy the way we are already, aren’t we?
DAVID: All I get, all the time from all of you is expectations. You just want me to do things. What do I get in return? Tell me what do I get from all of you, nothing. I am heading to work now.
BETINA: Love and care - that is what I have been trying to give you all this while. Wish you could understand that and reciprocate. (GENTLE SOBBING)

Scene 3: EXT. Suburban Train Station. Morning rush hour

SFX: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 1): Crowded commuter train station. Distinct beeps from the buttons of a person dialing a telephone number.
AUTOMATED VOICE: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 1) Welcome to Peoples Bank Credit Card Help Des….
SFX: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 1) Beeps from cell phone key strokes. Crowds and trains in the background. Very quick menu selection with the automated voice menu being cut off before it can complete instructions
AUTOMATED VOICE: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 1) For English press 1….BEEP….. For balance enquiries press… BEEP…. For Change in … BEEP… BEEP… This call may be recorded for quality purposes.
DAVID: Hello Lucy, why do you make me go through these circuitous routes before I can get through to you each morning?
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Well, that is the only way you can reach me since incoming calls are placed at random with agents. And you will have to become a Gold member before I can request a dedicated caller line for you. You know that don’t you?
DAVID: Hmmm Ok never mind, at least I can hear your voice now, even if it is only for a few minutes. This is the best part of my day, a one that I look forward to. It has been only weeks since we have been speaking, but it seems like I know you for a life time.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): You are happily married, what can you offer me? And, more importantly what is it that draws you to me every morning? I can’t understand it.
DAVID: I feel loved when I speak to you, with the rest of the world it is only what I can give them. With you it is about you fulfilling my needs. I have to meet you and give you what I have bought for you.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Hmmm let me see, jewelry from Poh Heng is it?
DAVID: How did you know?
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): I can see you statements online, you dummy. There is the four thousand dollar entry yesterday at Poh Heng. Let me guess it is a necklace?
DAVID: Could be, when will you meet me so I can give it to you myself.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): How can I meet you? You are married and I have been single, it is not right.
DAVID: We can share a cup of tea that is all. Maybe we could be friends. I am not demanding anything from you except a harmless cuppa tea.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): That sounds reasonable. Hmmm I see that your new cards have been approved and dispatched to you. Have you received them?
DAVID: Yes I have got them in the mail. My wife is getting suspicious. Anyway forget her I will manage her.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Good, You need to start maxing out your cards. Be sure to distribute your spends evenly across all of them. Try and hit fifty thousand dollars as quickly as you can, and make only the minimum payments due.
DAVID: I will do exactly as you tell me, but you have to promise to meet me in return.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): I can’t make any promises, but we will see….


SFX: Sound of cracking and frying eggs and laying out a table, newsreader in the background announcing the morning news
BETINA: Morning David, my darling hubby. How have you been, and thanks for the wonderful gift that you brought for me……. I am sorry I found it in your jacket pocket last night.
DAVID: (PERPLEXED) Gift, huh… What gift?
BETINA: Now come on, that lovely pendant and necklace from Poh Heng. You really shouldn’t have, but anyway I am taking it as an early anniversary present and shall plan a pot roast for you this evening.
DAVID: (CHEWING AND GULPING): Oh yes that one, I hope you like it. I should have kept it at the office, silly me bringing it home like this.
BETINA: Yes I loved it, darling why are you not paying off your card bills this month. I can’t help noticing that you have a large outstanding balance.
DAVID: (CHEWING AND GULPING): Look I told you I want to collect as many loyalty points as possible; I don’t know why we didn’t do this earlier. Don’t worry I have been making the minimum payments due so it won’t affect my credit score or rating in any way. I have things under control.
BETINA: (ALARMED) David you know the bank is going to charge you outlandish interest rates if you make only the minimum payments. It is not about your credit score, they are simply in it to make as much interest income as possible from their consumers. You know this well, don’t you?
DAVID: Yes I know but having to pay a minimal amount monthly is smarter than having to pay large lumps upfront. Surely you know that as well?
BETINA: I am not sure…..
DAVID: OK ok not don’t go on about this, I am getting late for work. We will talk about this over your pot roast this evening. Bye (SOUND OF KISSING, DOOR CLOSES, ENGINE IGNITES, SOUND OF CAR PULLING AWAY)
AUTOMATED VOICE: Welcome to the Sister Agatha Psychiatrist Clinic. Press your access code to speak to our constant.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Thank you. Please hold the line while we serve you.
HUMAN VOICE: Hello Mrs. Betina, thanks for holding, Dr Kumar is busy but if you are having an emergency I can get him to call you on the hour.
BETINA: Yes you better do that. I am in a mess!
SFX: Phone Rings
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Hello Betina, how are you doing? It was nice not to hear from in a while, I mean from a purely professional angle, otherwise I quite enjoy speaking to you. How can I help you?
BETINA: This is so difficult for me, you have no idea. Anyway, I think he is having another psychotic episode Dr. Kumar. I can’t be certain but he seems to be slipping away.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): It’s good you called, these episodes are common and unfortunately the previous caregiver was not able to handle the stress of David’s swings. She did not alert us early enough and almost paid the price for it with severe consequences.
BETINA: He seems to be tangled up in some credit card business. He has been taking on new cards and racking up huge bills off late. On the positive side, he is so convinced that I am his wife of many years that he even bought me an expensive necklace.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Has he been violent or forgetful lately?
BETINA: No not really. Otherwise he has been OK, it is just that he is spending far too much time thinking and managing his credit card life when he does not need to.
Dr. KUMAR: Does he stammer or stutter as he speaks? Or have you seen him speaking to himself or to people or things that you may not see?
BETINA: No I have not noticed that, else I would have mentioned it first thing…
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): You have done the right thing by calling me. Let us observe him for a couple of days before deciding how to move ahead. I know it is not easy being an intimate caregiver for a complete stranger, that too in the role of a wife.
BETINA: Well it is better than having to sleep with strangers every day. At least I am off the streets. Even if not real, at least I have a home. It is eerie though, pretending to be someone’s wife when you are not. I always have a lurking feeling that one day he will snap out of it all and realize that he is living in a make believe world. I live with a constant fear of him returning home and asking me “Who are you? You are not my wife.”
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): We have told you this before, that remote possibility does exist. We have been walking a tight rope walk these past three years since he lost his wife. You know he has been delusional and psychotic but the accident and the loss of his wife left him irreparably amnesic.
BETINA: Precisely, what if one day surfing the net he discovers his wife’s photo and bang, everything comes flooding back. He will probably head home and bludgeon me before I have the chance to call in the useless helpline at the clinic. By the time they page and get you to call me I will be dead on the kitchen floor.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): There is no reason for us to believe that he will display such brutality. You know we have taken utmost care to remove all memories of the past and surround him with ample evidence of his new life. His entire online and offline identity has been crafted carefully by my team, there are no stones unturned, we have every inch of his past covered. All Facebook links, friends, bosses, restaurants, songs, tweets etc. everything has been tackled. There is no reason for us to….
BETINA: (REPEATING SARCASTICALLY, CUTS HIM OFF): “No reason to believe.” You should hear yourself.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE. FIRMLY): You should have thought of these scenarios before signing up. His wife’s will pays for his upkeep and you knew well what you were getting into. We explained all the eventualities at length. You had enough time to consider the proposal before signing the agreement. Now you have a legally binding contract that you need to fulfill.
BETINA: (SOFT CRYING): Doctor I am scared. Living these lies is proving tougher than I thought.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): (CONSOLING): Betina, please get a grip. Like you said, at least you are off the streets. The memory that he has lost needs to be filled with the memories that we have engineered for him. Yes it is true that it is a bold new area but I have many cases who have successfully adopted designed memories which have little in common with their actual pasts. Just keep showing him the photos and videos that we have prepared and rehearsed so many times. After a while he will accept them as his actual past, with belief his love for you will grow Betina.
BETINA: Stop calling me Betina, you know that is not my name …
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE CUTS HER OFF, FIRMLY): It is your name, now you listen to me Betina, (PAUSE) carefully. You have to cross that bridge and assume your new identity (STRESS) in totality; you are no longer working on the streets. (VOICE SOFTENS) He is not a bad man, and he has reacted well to your presence. Now go raise a family, and start the life that you always dreamt of. Don’t throw this chance at a decent living.
BETINA: (WEEPING): This is so difficult, sometimes I just feel like slipping away and going back to where I came from. At least there I was me, maybe a bad me but still “a-me”. Now I am a walking talking lie, and it is getting to me. I am not sure I can hold out.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Betina please, if you waver now, years of work and a dead wife’s hopes will die with it. You have saved a man’s life. If you decide to leave him the damage that it will do to him, may be irreparable.
BETINA: What should I do Doctor, help me.
Dr. KUMAR: OK, collect yourself and follow David to the station. See what he does, observe everything. Be especially sure that he is getting to work, rather than wandering off somewhere. Stake out during lunch hour to ensure he is not slinking away. Call me if you see anything unusual about him. Then double back home and wait for him. Can you do that?
Dr. KUMAR: Now I need to go, but call me in a couple of days if you sense anything odd or amiss and (PAUSE) promise me you will take care of yourself. Bye for now, and don’t worry all will be well.

Scene 5: EXT. Suburban Train Station. Morning rush hour

SFX: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 3): Crowded commuter train station. Distinct beeps from the buttons of a person pressing a telephone keypad.
AUTOMATED VOICE: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 3) Welcome to Peoples Bank Credit ….
SFX: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 3) Beeps from cell phone key strokes. Crowds and trains in the background. Very quick menu selection with the automated voice menu being cut off before it can complete instructions
AUTOMATED VOICE: (MUCH SHORTER THAN SCENE 3) For English press 1….BEEP….. For balance enquiries press… BEEP…. For Change in addr… BEEP… BEEP… This call may be recorded for quality purposes.
DAVID: Hello Lucy, I hate wasting all this time getting through to you each day. I have been doing exactly as you have told me, so why can’t I have the promised direct line?
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Hmmm (COMPUTER KEYSTROKES). Let me check your account now. (PAUSE WITH COMPUTER KEY STROKES) Yes you have finally reached an outstanding balance of twenty thousand. Now you must remember to pay only the minimum amount due.
DAVID: But my wife thinks this will simply lead to mindless interest payments….
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE, CUTS HIM OFF): I thought you loved me and wanted to meet me. Are you going to listen to me or are to your wife? (GIGGLES)
DAVID: Oh, darling Lucy. Tell me when can we meet? I can’t wait. Don’t blame me if I hug you and give you a friendly kiss, when I see you.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): OK, You do exactly as I tell you. Pay only your minimum dues for the next two billing cycles and then I’ll see if I can arrange to meet you. I hope to also get you a dedicated phone line and that is that. Happy?
DAVID: I will do that and anything else you tell me to….
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): If you do as you are told then hmmm let me see (COMPUTER KEYSTROKES) you should reach Gold status by the 4th of October which would be exactly a day after completing the next two billing cycles.
DAVID: You mean we can meet after that?
LUCY: Yes I think so (KEYSTROKES) I am on leave for a couple of weeks and the Sunday after the fourth is on the 5th of October.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Hmmm Ok why don’t we meet at the zoo, there is an exhibit on exotic birds, at the Aviary. I will be there at about 10 AM. Be there, OK?
DAVID: (DELIGHT): Yes finally. Look for a man carrying a bunch of roses.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): What exactly do you have in mind David? For me this is nothing but a casual meeting and I don’t want to be setting any false expectations. Remember you are married, don’t forget that.
DAVID: Yes I am married but the accident has left me vacant. Apparently, since I don’t even remember the accident. It is as if I need to fall in love with my wife all over again. The photographs around the house, the videos of our marriage seem to be just images and nothing more. It is quite tough to explain.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): What do you mean? Don’t you love your wife?
DAVID: No it is not that, it’s just that I feel vacant. It is like being in a world where I am the only stranger. Everyone in my life seems related to each other, expect with me. But .. but but (STAMMERS) with you I don’t feel like a stranger, you are my (STAMMERS) card agent and I am your client. That is it, you make me (STAMMERS) f…f..f..eel free and
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): Are you OK your voice is breaking up.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): Y..Y..Yes I am fine, except hopelessly in love with someone I have never met.
LUCY: (VOICE ON PHONE LINE): OK I have only a couple of minutes now, I have other callers too you know. I give you your three questions before we go, as always one of my answers will be a lie.
DAVID: (STUTTERING ANS STAMMERING): Do you to love me like I love you?
LUCY: No, I don’t.
DAVID: (STUTTERING ANS STAMMERING): Are you wearing a dress to work today, with white lll (STAMMER PAUSE) lace underneath?
LUCY: No I am not, naughty boy….
DAVID: (STUTTERING ANS STAMMERING): No No..I d..di..didn’t mean it that way. Do you love birds?
LUCY: (EXCLAIMS) Love birds? Yes I love them. (PAUSE) Thank you for calling Peoples Bank and wish you a nice day.
SFX: Sound of phone hanging as the line goes dead.


SFX: Sound of cracking and frying eggs and laying out a table, like for breakfast, newsreader in the background announcing the morning news in a low volume. Fanfare.  “Its 8AM in Singapore, Midnight in London and you are listening to the daily news on Tuesday 8th of Aug with me Seema Heckle. Now for those of us looking for porn online, things just got easier..” b/g News continues
BETINA: Morning my darling, did you sleep well, let me pour you some coffee
DAVID: Thanks (SOUND OF NEWSPAPER UNFOLDING). I ..I (STAMMERS) may be away this coming Sunday. I have forgotten to mention it to you. I be gone all day. Hope you don’t min…mind.
BETINA: What? I thought we were going to the park this Sunday. Where are you going?
DAVID: (STUTTERS): I am an old friend of mine….
BETINA: You can call him home, if you like?
DAVID: No no. He is a friend from It is best if I meet him outside.
BETINA: Here I packed you a sandwich for later.
SFX: Sound of paper ruffling, like a wrapped up sandwich exchanging hands.
BETINA: Bye dear, love ya. See you later.
SFX: Sound of a loving peck
SFX: Door shutting (PAUSE) Sound of car pulling away
AUTOMATED VOICE: Welcome to the Sister Agatha Psychiatrist Clinic. Press your access code to speak to our constant.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Thank you. Pls hold the line while we serve you.
SFX: Phone Rings
Dr. KUMAR: Hello Betina, how have things been? I hope you are keeping well.
BETINA: (PANIC): It has started doctor, the madness has begun.
Dr. KUMAR: What has he been doing?
BETINA: The stammering and the stuttering have been getting worse. I can’t place it but there is something going on in that head of his.
Dr. KUMAR: Did you follow him these last few days when he left for work?
BETINA: Yes I did follow him, absolutely nothing. Everything seems normal. He parks his car and heads to the station, takes the train and that is it. There is only one thing that seems out of place.
Dr. KUMAR: And what is that?
BETINA: He is on the phone from the time he leaves home till the time he gets to work, almost continuously. I can’t imagine who he is speaking to and about what.
Dr. KUMAR: The stammering is worrisome. I am not so sure about the phone calls. Have his obsessions with credit cards ceased?
BETINA: I don’t know except that he has changed the billing address to his office. His statements don’t come home anymore, but he does not speak about that any more either.
Dr. KUMAR: How are his sleeping patterns? Regular?
BETINA: Yes we sleep well
Dr. KUMAR: (ARTIFICIAL COUGH) That is good. Give him what he needs?
BETINA: What do you mean?
Dr. KUMAR: In bed I mean…
BETINA: All you men are one tracked…
Dr. KUMAR: That is a topic of many-a-research, so let us treat it with gentle responsibility.
BETINA: Yes I am and all is well. Forgot to tell you one thing… He wants to be away this Sunday. Says he has a friend from work whom he wants to meet.
Dr. KUMAR: That is a bit odd for a married man. Follow him and call me if you spot or suspect anything odd.
Dr. KUMAR: Yes…
BETINA: Even Carl Jung had a mistress, do you?
BETINA: Are you married? Have you ever indulged with your lady patients? I know you have…..
Dr. Kumar: (PAUSE) I really need to go now. Take care.
SFX: Phone line going dead.


SFX: Squeaking like from unoiled bicycle wheels Few kids aghast at the site of animal exhibits, Chirping and outdoor sounds. “Look ma a king cobra.. I want the soft icecream…. When will this line progress….”
LUCY: Hello there, Good morning
CLERK: (TERSE):  Yes, what kinda tickets do you want?
LUCY: Sir, you are in the service industry, a “How may I help” will go a long way.
CLERK: OK, Welcome to the Zoological Park, How may I help you today? We have a special promotion for our platinum customers.
LUCY: Much better. I would like a day pass, the minimum access pass that you can sell.
CLERK: (COMPUTER KEYSTROKES, PRINTING SOUND): OK, you could have told me that at Hello!
LUCY: Do you offer any discounts for Peoples Bank Gold Customers?
CLERK: (RUDELY) No but we have a discount for retarded and disabled people as long as they carry a certification card.
LUCY: That is extremely rude and derogatory.
SFX: Tickets exchanging hands. Squeaking of wheels.
ATTENDANTS VOICE: Madam may I see your tickets, thank you? We offer buggies and a few other services as well if you want them.
LUCY: No thank you, I should be fine. Can you please point me to the Aviary?
ATTENDANTS VOICE: Sure just keep left, it is only a few minutes’ walk. (PAUSE) I am sorry, that was a bit insensitive. In the wheelchair it may take at most ten minutes to get there.
SFX: Chirping of birds. Faint voice of the public. “Look mama that bird has a long white head”. “…Yes hidden there… is a Bramhini Kite from central Asia”.
LUCY: Hello David!
DAVID: Yes, do I know you?
LUCY: I am Lucy from the bank’s help desk
DAVID: This must be some kind of a joke.
LUCY: (CLOCK STRIKES TEN): What do you mean? This is where we decided to meet.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING AND STUTTER): B..But this was not what I thought. You can’t be Lucy can you?
LUCY: Yes in that regard you are right. Your Lucy is actually Lakshmi, a call center manager, a successful one. And you are also wrong, because I am your Lucy.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): L..lakshmi. Nonsense I want what you promised me. I want my Lucy with the blue dress and the white lace. T…Treachery this is what it is. F…Fifty thousand in debt, and th.. this is what I get. A flat chested, greying cripple in a wheel chair. The bank has d..duped me and I will sue.
LUCY: I thought you said you loved me?
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): (PSYCHOTIC SOBS): Yes but not th..this way. This is in..insane.
LUCY: You are all the same, in love with yourselves and fake images that voices create in your mind. I may be unattractive and unhealthy but I am a human with all the sensibility of emotions that come with it. I don’t blame you. I blame myself for believing that love is blind. It isn’t blind, love can love only what it can see and touch with its lascivious gaze. I can succeed only as a voice, that is why I should have remained your faceless help desk agent. Leave it; here I have something for you.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): Oh G..God. It’s the Gold card with the direct line.
LUCY: I told you, no promises from my side, except for the Gold card and the direct line that you may not use anymore.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): Yes but you did lead me on.
LUCY: I thought you might be the one. (PAUSE) Obviously I was wrong.
SFX: Sound of unoiled wheels turning, like a rusty cycle. (SOFT PANTING)
LUCY: Anyway come on now, be a man push my wheelchair for a few minutes. Let us take a closer look at the birds of paradise.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): Y..Yes sure. S..Sorry.
LUCY: Aren’t they beautiful, with their plumage and finery. Don’t they look beautiful?
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): Yes look at that one there, isn’t she gorgeous.
LUCY: It’s not a she (PAUSE) it is a he. Only males display finery to attract the females. Look closely and you will see an array of ordinary looking females in the enclosure.
DAVID: (HEAVY STAMMERING): Hmm thanks, v…very informative. Come on let us get something to eat. I need a some tea.
LUCY: Thanks for helping with this debilitating wheel chair.
DAVID: (STUTTERS): Y..Yes, I mean it’s my pleasure.
LUCY: I am really sorry to disappoint you. I know you were expecting a gorgeous young thing with which to link your future, instead you get a middle aged cripple in a wheel chair.
DAVID: (STAMMERS): No that is fine. It is what it is. A..At least it is real. By the way, what part of town do you live in?
LUCY: (LIGHT LAUGH): I don’t live here, I am from out of town.
DAVID: (STAMMERS): What do you mean?
LUCY: Our call center for card customers is run out of Bangalore. I have been there for a few years now.
DAVID: (SURPRISED): You mean you have made this trip all the way just to meet me?
LUCY: Sorry David (PAUSE) Wrong again, this is part of an incentive trip to reward high performing employees.
DAVID: (STAMMERS): W..Well you did not have to make the time to meet me?
LUCY: You are the reason I am here. But for you I may not have made it here for the awards event. I owe my award to you, and the resulting case study around interest accrual from existing customers that I was able to showcase in the recent sales rally.
DAVID: (LIGHT LAUGH): You mean I am a case study in your office?
LUCY: Yes you are. A study in how to increase the quantum of credit and interest revenues from the existing installed base of credit cards.
DAVID: (STAMMERS) W..Well at least I was of some help to somebody. Except that it has left me in a p..pile of debt and payments which I will have to deal with.
LUCY: I am really sorry, but every credit card business aims to build an empire on debtors and the interest that can be collected from them.
DAVID: (STAMMERS) Now I know, B..Betina was right all along.
LUCY: Who is Betina?
DAVID: (STAMMERS): wife. Anyway forget her. If you don’t mind my asking – How did you wind up in the chair?
LUCY: (SIGHS): I met with a motor accident a few years back. I was supposed to die, but I survived; if you think a full body paralysis as survival. It took months of rehab before I regained control over my upper body. As you can tell I was left paralyzed from the waist downwards.
DAVID: (STAMMERS): A..An accident. W..We too were in an accident a few years back. What a c..coincidence.
LUCY: Sorry to hear that. Were you hurt.
DAVID: (STAMMERS): M..Me yes. No wait it was Betina who was hurt. I c..cant be sure. They said we survived but I lost large parts of my memory. B..But now after seeing you I am getting confused. Wasn’t Betina the one who was bedridden, paralyzed for many days before she died. Holy sweet ch..child Jesus, what is happening to me. I..I am going m..mad.
LUCY: What do you mean Betina died? I thought you are living with your wife right now.
DAVID: (STAMMERS): Y..Yes I am and I can’t seem to understand what is going on. The more I speak to you the more of my past comes floating back into my mind. A false past which does not fit my present reality. Help me Lord please help me. Who am I? Who are these people around me?
BETINA: Dr. Kumar?
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Yes it is me. Is everything OK Betina.
BETINA: I don’t think so. I am at the Zoo, following David as you had told me too. He is definitely not having a business meeting this morning. He is seeing a woman.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON THE PHONE): (CHUCKLES): I hope you are not jealous!
BETINA: Sorry to kill your sense of humor this morning but she is crippled and he has been pushing her around the Zoo in a wheelchair (PAUSE).
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Oh my God. Who is she? What are they doing right now?
BETINA: I don’t know who she is and I am not sure what they were talking about in the café. But I can tell you whatever it is, has left him quite nervous and animated. Right now he is on his knees holding her hand and weeping like a little child. She seems genuinely shocked.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON THE PHONE): I told you to keep him away from crippled ladies. You know well that his wife was on the chair for many months before she passed away.
BETINA: Wait he is getting up from the floor and, asking for the bill. He seems to be getting a-hold of himself. He is much calmer now. She is speaking to him; I can’t tell what they are saying. I wish we could wire him all the time.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Thank God he is getting calm. It is probably nothing. Maybe it is a friend whom he is meeting after a long time.
BETINA: A crippled, Asian female friend in a wheelchair. I doubt it. They are moving towards the exit. I need to go. I will call you if I see anything unusual.
Dr. KUMAR: (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Ok, I will keep the restraining team ready in case he has any violent reactions or seizures. You call me if that happens and we will come over immediately. When he gets home just behave normally.


SFX: Cooking sounds. Sound from the news. Fanfare. “Good Morning and welcome to this edition of World News….”
BETINA: I didn’t have the heart to wake you up. You were sleeping so well this morning.
DAVID: Oh really (STRESS) Betina. Tell me what is your real name (STRESS) Betina? Who are you?
SFX: All cooking sounds cease, only the sound from the news reader remains.
BETINA: What do you mean?
DAVID: You are not my wife. You are not my Betina.
SFX: Sound of gun cocking
BETINA: Where did you get the gun from? I am your wife. Put the gun down please. Let me call Dr. Kumar and we should head straight up to the clinic.
SFX: Sound of chair dragging against the floor as if someone is getting up. Crashing of furniture.
DAVID: (VIVIOUS): Oh no I know your little tricks. Now I got you.
SFX: Sounds of a struggle
BETINA: (CHOKING): Let me go. Let me go. Please.
DAVID: I will let you go only after you tell me who you are and what is going on in my house. My wife was crippled with no chance of a cure. Eventually she succumbed to her illness. Most of it has come back to me with amazing clarity. Now tell me who are you, because your likeness with my Betina is no longer working.
SFX: Squeezing and choking sounds
BETINA: David you are having another…..
SFX: Sound of slapping. (Betina crying out)
DAVID: I will cut your imposter face to ribbons. For me the end is very near now and believe me I don’t care if I kill a few before the end comes. You will talk sooner or later. I will pull one nail out of your finger at a time and make you eat them…
SFX: Sounds of torture
BETINA: (GASPS): Ok fine, I will tell you everything Aaah, I am not your wife. Your wife was the rich one and all this is being played out as per the instructions in her will.
BETINA: (PANTING AND GASPING): Your entire life is a gift given to you by your late wife. She wanted you to be happy and married after she died. Your amnesia had started setting in well before she died. You are our bloody guinea pig, funded and kept alive by the means that your late wife put together.
DAVID: What about my job?
BETINA: That too is something that your wife’s will pays for. You are not an investment banker; you are the investment of your wife’s money, (SCREAMS) with no returns just like the bleeding bankers. You turned out to be a complete waste of your wife’s money. A bad investment!
DAVID: (PAUSE CALM): You mean my whole life is a staged play?
BETINA: Yes it is (SOBBING, CALMER) I am sorry it had to come to this. All we wanted was to make it work, and it was all working until you met that woman. Sorry I should not have lost my temper. We can work it out and live a happy life…..
DAVID: How did you know about the woman? I am being followed all the time, aren’t I? Are there cameras in this house?
BETINA: (PACIFYING TONE): No you are not being followed, not all the time anyway. I followed you only to make sure you don’t hurt yourself that is all, baby. And no there are no cameras at home; otherwise someone would have turned up by now to restrain you. You can learn to love me like I have…(STRUGGLE) Ouch you are hurting me. Stop it…
DAVID: (ANGUISH): The time has come for you all to stop it. (SOUND OF CHOKING AND SQUEEZING) I can’t believe this, who gave you the right to decide the structure of another person’s life. I am a complete hotch potch because of you. I can’t even make out real from unreal anymore. Well at least my bloody stammer is gone (SOUND OF CHOKING AND SQUEEZING FROM BETINA). Now, if I leave you here you will simply call the Doc and the Police and put them on my tail.
(SFX: Deep breath from Betina, after being released from David’s grip. Phone ripped out of the wall with a ring as it falls to the floor).
DAVID: Well at least you cannot make any calls anymore. Now where do you keep the duct tape and rolls of clothes lines?
BETINA: No pls stop what are you doing…Stop… (SPEECH CUT OFF BY GAGGING)
SFX: Sound of slapping. Sound of adhesive tape being used. Sound of Betina trying to talk through the tape fixed firmly on her mouth.
BETINA: (GAGGING): Help… Hmmlp….
DAVID: (PANTING): There you go, all tied up and harmless. I won’t kill you because you are just like me, living through the tiresome motions of a fake life. Bye Betina, I don’t think I will see you again because for me the end is near now. Sorry I can’t give you the life that you bargained for. But I won’t take it away from you either, do what you have to - I am going away. I don’t hate you, but I can’t love you.
SFX: Sound of keys clinking, door slamming shut, and car ignites and pulls away.
SFX: Sounds of Betina struggling, furniture tumbles, hand bag falls to the floor with contents spilling out
SFX: Phone beeps as if dialing. Phone rings on the other end.
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Hello you have reached Dr. Kumar, how may I help you.
BETINA: (GAGGED): Hmmllo…Hoomlo…
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Shit, Betina is that you
BETINA: (GAGGED): Hmmllo…Hoomlo… Hmmmlll…
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Calm down. I will ask you a question, if the answer is “Yes” reply with a single sound, if the answer is “No” reply with multiple sounds. Ok let us try it, Are you Betina?
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Betina, calm down we will be on our way. Are your at home?
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Nurse, send a team to Betina’s house, quickly. Is David having a violent episode?
BETINA: Hmmm. (TAPE TEARING. GASPING AS SHE IS ABLE TO SPEAK AGAIN) You bet he is. At least I have this tape off my mouth. (STRUGGLING) Let me try to untie my hands and feet. Thank heavens I was able to reach my cell phone.
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Where is he now?
BETINA: (STRUGGLING): I don’t know, he drove away. I think he would have gone towards the train station. Let me try and follow him. We should probably call the police.
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): No you try to track him down. Don’t call the police; we will need to let his wife’s lawyer deal with that. You find him and call me on my cell phone. I am cancelling my appointments and heading up to Pasir Ris station as well.
BETINA: (URGENT): Hurry please; he kept talking about the end. He may end up doing something rash.
SFX: Phone disconnects, sound of running, door slams as Betina hails a taxi
BETINA: (VOICE IN A DISTANCE): Taxi, taxi. (Car sound, car door slamming) Pasir Ris MRT station, hurry please…..


SFX: Crowded commuter train station. Distinct beeps from the buttons of a person dialing a telephone number. b/g: Commuter train announcements and trains
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Good morning, as our esteemed Gold Card customer you have reached your personal help desk concierge. How may I help you today?
DAVID: Lucy, it is so nice to be able to speak to you on this direct line rather than the circuitous menu options. I know you are not Lucy but I am going to call you that anyway.
LUCY: (SIGHS): You again. I thought we were over this. Really if you have a card related query I would be happy to help you, otherwise I need to attend to other work.
DAVID: (MILD ANGER): Hey I went through this entire credit card thing over many months just to be able to speak to you on a direct line.
LUCY: (SIGHS): Yes OK you are a Gold member and I can see that your account is in good shape. What is it I can do for you?
DAVID: Will you marry me? I will make you well just as you have made me well, I will take care for you and you will walk again. See I don’t stammer anymore, all thanks to you.
LUCY: (ALARMED): What? Are you out of your mind? You know we are separated by many thousand kilometers and even if we were together I am not sure if I can do it anymore with any man. I am an invalid vegetable so please don’t play these jokes with me. Go get on with your life.
DAVID: What life? The only real element in my life is you. Everything else is a fabrication. The home, the job, the wife; the entirety of my life’s truth is the voice on the other end of this phone. I want to cling to that truth and build on that reality. Please Lucy you have to listen to me.
LUCY: But this is absurd. I really cannot entertain such fancy.
DAVID: You have to let me know NOW. Will you marry me and be with me? Yes or No
LUCY: David you need to think about the absurdity of this suggestion, believe me if you give yourself the time you too will come to the same conclusion as me. It is not workable.
DAVID: Time I don’t have and thinking will only drag me further down. Good bye then Lucy. The end is here. The only other reality is for me to embrace is my real Betina. Bye Lucy I love….
SFX: Sound of train approaching and getting louder and nearer. Loud thud as the train whizzes by. Gasps, screams and shouts from the commuters. Train screeching. Utter chaos and confusion.
b/g – “What happened” “Is there someone on the track” “Shut your eyes” “Let’s get outa here” “God have mercy” “Poor Soul” “Looked like a banker, it must be the crashing  markets”
SFX: Crowded commuter train station. Distinct beeps from the buttons of a person dialing a telephone number. Phone dialing and ringing at the other end.
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Its Dr. Kumar, are you at the station Betina. Can you see him, I have been trying to call him but his phone is busy.
BETINA: Doc it is rush hour and he had quite a head start, not sure if I will be able to locate him.
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Well we are assuming that he headed for the station. Maybe he went someplace else.
BETINA: Wait I think I can spot him, he left in a white shirt and dark trousers, yes that is him. He is on the phone (Hmmm). Who could he be speaking to?
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Phew that is a relief. Hurry, try to reach him and stall him for a few minutes, we should be there with the hospital staff in minutes now. Don’t hang up just push through the crowd.
SFX: Sounds of pushing and shoving.
BETINA: Excuse me, please this is an emergency.
SFX: Crowd responds with complains. “Hey stop pushing” “Ouch” “Everyone wants to get to work early”
SFX: Sound of train approaching and getting louder and nearer. Loud thud as the train whizzes by. Gasps, screams and shouts from the commuters. Train screeching. Utter chaos and confusion. b/g – “What happened” “Is there someone on the track” “Shut your eyes” “Let’s get outa here” “God have mercy” “Poor Soul” “Looked like a banker, it must be the crashing  markets”
BETINA: (CRYING OUT): Aaah aaaah ooooiii. God what have we done, what have we done. Doctor where are you, pls god help us. Aaaaah (Wailing)
b/g: Crowd chaos
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): (URGENT) Betina, what happened, tell me what happened.
BETINA: (LOUD CRYING) Aaah… he has thrown himself in front of the train…
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): I am almost there, you need to head to the tracks and tell me what you see on the tracks.
BETINA: (LOUD CRYING): I cant… I cant… This is enough…
Dr. KUMAR (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Betina please, just move towards the tracks and tell me what you can see.
SFX: Betina pushing through the chaos of the crowd.
BETINA: Please let me through, I am his wife….. (PAUSE, PUSHING AND SHOVING) Doctor, I can only see his cell phone lying on the tracks. It is still in a call.
LUCY (ON THE PHONE): Hello Hello David David….Are you there….


SFX: Sounds of police sirens and ambulances. Street sounds like cars and honking.
b/g: Crowd murmurs “Looks like some banker threw himself on the tracks” “It had to be today, now I have messed my entire diary” “I am sure it was the crash” “Why can we make our subway safer” ”Why can’t we have platform barricades on all platforms rather than only in the CBD”
ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE STATION: (DISTANT): Due to unforeseeable reasons all trains towards City-Center are cancelled. We shall inform you as soon as connectivity is established again. In the meantime please use alternate bus routes …..
ANNOUNCEMENT FROM A HAND HELD HORN: This is the Metropolitan police and we are currently investigating the events at the Pasir Ris station this morning. The site of the incident has been demarcated by Police cordons. Please do not touch or disturb any objects from accident zone. This is also a call for any witnesses; please step forward and approach any of the officers at the scene. Thank you for your co-operation.
INSPECTOR TAN: Hello I am Inspector Tan. I understand that you are the dead man’s wife.
BETINA: (SOBBING): Well sort of.
INSPECTOR TAN: What do you mean sort of? You are either a man’s wife or you are not?
Dr. KUMAR: Betina, you don’t have to answer that question until the lawyers arrive.
INSPECTOR TAN: And who might you be?
Dr. KUMAR: I am the man’s uh I mean David’s psychiatrist. I have been providing him with long term treatment.
SERGEANT: Excuse me Inspector, we found his mobile phone on the tracks. We are running it now with the mobile service provider; they may be able to provide us with some recent call recordings.
INSPECTOR TAN: Let’s do that sergeant, but I don’t think all that will help. This seems to be a simple case of a lunatic throwing himself on the tracks. Open and shut. Get the site cleared as soon as possible and restart the train service. I am going to take the “sort of” wife and the “Doctor” to the station and get their statements.
Dr. KUMAR: Which station shall I ask his lawyer to come to?
INSPECTOR TAN: Pasir Ris. Come on lets go.
SFX: Sound of footsteps. Siren and police jeep fade away.


GUARD: Good Morning Inspector Tan.
INSPECTOR TAN: Wake up soldier it is past noon. Good afternoon.
GUARD: Sorry Sir. Hey Mr and Ms you need to keep any metallic objects that you may have in this tray and then step through the detector please.
GUARD: Mr. Can you pls step through again, after taking off your belt.
INSPECTOR TAN: (CUTS THE GUARD OFF): Its Ok let him through; he has been through a lot already this morning.
SFX: Footsteps. Clerks greeting the inspector “Morning Inspector, you should check the new coffee machine, it’s really nice” “The MP called, he is looking for you, I think it is about the accident at the trains this morning”.
INSPECTOR TAN: Coffee? Last thing on my mind. Ya I will call the MP later. For now please block any incoming calls from the press or the MP’s office. I need to wrap up some paper work before we can go out and make a release.
SFX: Door shutting. Paper’s rustling.
INSPECTOR TAN: Please sit down. This is a simple case but I do need to take your statements. I need you to sign these routine disclosure forms before we can proceed. We can start, while your lawyer joins.
INSPECTOR TAN: Thank you Doctor, madam you too please.
SFX: Paper rustling and sound of pen signatures (LIGHT SOBS FROM BETINA)
INSPECTOR TAN: Ok now let us get this done quick and head for some lunch. It is a simple case of suicide from a mentally disturbed individual. We have a doctor and wife who will vouch for it and that is that.
BETINA: No inspector, it’s not that simple, he was murdered (EMPHASIS) by me. I killed David. As always I turned out to be a failure at relationships. I could not give any man the happiness of stable relationship. It was my failure that led to his death. My real place is in the streets from where I came. The whole scheme may have been a success just that they chose the wrong girl.
Dr. KUMAR: (CONSOLING): Betina…..
INSPECTOR TAN: Doctor you need to let her finish her statement, or else I will have to ask you to wait outside.
BETINA: Seriously doctor the only reason you went with me was because of my close likeness with his dead wife. It was a wrong decision, a psychological fit is far more important for relationships to work. I am an escort girl and just could not fit the role of a domestic wife that I was supposed to play. (SOBBING) I killed him and will carry the weight of that sin all my life. I should not have taken the life of a decent man.
INSPECTOR TAN: And doctor you were saying….
Dr. KUMAR: A decent man yes, but a mentally disturbed decent man. If there was anyone who gave him a few peaceful days - it was you Betina. If just for a few years he lived the simple good life. You have not seen his horror of ill health. Bound in chains, frothing at the mouth, confined to padded rooms he would have died many years before but for your work and dedication towards him. If there is anyone to blame for his death it is me. I became overconfident and thought our treatment plan was a success, too soon. It was my judgment that caused his death. I killed him with my overconfidence and aggressive treatment plants.
INSPECTOR TAN: (LAUGHS): Sorry I know you may not see the humor in this. But, what if I were to assert that I killed him, then you might be amused. Well in some sense it is the police force that is responsible for the well-being of the public. Where were we when he killed himself? Nowhere. So do I blame myself for his death? No I don’t. The selfless blame that you are piling on yourselves is actually quite funny and far from reality. Fact is the man jumped in front of the train and killed himself. He was a disturbed patient that is that.
SFX: Door knocking and opening.
SERGEANT: Inspector the mobile phone operator does not have any call recordings; I have made a list of recently used numbers from his cell phone. We will have to call them to find who they were and what were they speaking about.
INSPECTOR TAN: Thank you sergeant. Leave the numbers with me and get the routine blood work and identification done quickly so we can make a report before we leave today.
CONSTABLE: Yes inspector.
SFX: Door shutting.
INSPECTOR TAN: Not sure if it is worth it, but let me dial a few of his recent calls. This first one is hmmm “Lucy’s direct line”. Let’s see what happens.
SFX: Phone keyboard clicking, ringing on the other end.
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Good Afternoon you have reached People’s Bank. As our coveted Gold Card Customer, this is your privileged line. How may I help you today?
INSPECTOR TAN: This is Inspector Tan calling from the Pasir Ris Police Precinct.
INSTECTOR TAN: Do you know any David? And did he speak to you recently.
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Yes I know David. I spoke to him a few hours back, but the line got cut abruptly.
INSPECTOR TAN: What did you talk about?
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Well this is a credit card helpline and we spoke about card queries. Beyond that I have to say the information is client privileged.
INSPECTOR TAN: I see. Ms. Lucy I can see from his call logs that he spoke to you each day for a couple of hours. That is unusual for a credit card customer, unless he was an incredibly confused one. We have credit cards too but we call in only once or twice a year. But you spoke about (STRESS) card balances and such matters for a few hours every day, with a single client? (PAUSE) I am not buying that.
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Well yes mostly. What is the matter inspector?
INSPECTOR TAN: David killed himself shortly after he spoke to you.
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Shiva. Rama. (Weeping)
INSPECTOR TAN: (BEWILDERED): Shiva? Who are you? Where are you speaking from?
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): (SNIFFS): Sorry I am actually a call center operator and I am speaking from Bangalore. I am accent trained.
INSPECTOR TAN: But I just dialed a local number.
Dr. KUMAR: Well there is something called call forwarding you know Inspector.
INSPECTOR TAN: (COUGHS IN EMBARASSMENT): Yes of course Lucy (ENBARRASED). So, since you are from a call center, all your calls will be recorded right?
 LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): Yes, but only the direct calls. The ones that get transferred to me don’t get recorded. Most of David’s calls were transferred to me from the general help line so I don’t think you will find a recording, except for the last one (SNIFFING) this morning which was made on the direct line.
INSPECTOR TAN: Can you give us that recording?
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE):  Yes once you make a written request for it and our lawyers approve it.
INSPECTOR TAN: What did he say to you this morning?
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): (CRYING SOFTLY): He wanted to marry me. He said he was in love with me. Sweet foolish boy.
INSPECTOR TAN: You must be quite a talker, never heard of love over the telephone lines. What did you tell him?
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): I told him it was absurd and not a plausible suggestion. He kept saying something about the end. And then the line just went chaotic. What I can’t understand is “How can a man love a cripple”. I should have sensed it coming, and done something about it. I killed the poor soul. I will burn in hell for this. Help me Lord Shiva.
BETINA: Did you say cripple? (ANIMATED) Inspector this is the woman who met my David last Sunday. Must be sleeping with him, for his money. You vamp I will not leave you.
LUCY: (SOBBING): Sleeping with him? Even if I wanted to I won’t be able to. So please shut up, whoever you are.
SERGEANT: Inspector the blood work has just come in. It is not a match; the dead man is not David.
SFX: Chair shifting. b/g: Flurry of activity.
INSPECTOR TAN: OK we are dealing with a possible homicide. The wily fox engineered the whole thing. Mentally challenged, my foot. Check the platform cameras for any foul play? Block all exits from the city. Alert all the airport terminals and send his profile to all immigration check points in the city. Get in touch with the police in Bangalore, I will brief them myself. This guy has a six hour head-start on us. Flag all departed flights from the airport all of this morning. Freeze the ferry terminals. Any witnesses bring them to me.
SERGEANT: Yes sir. At once sir.
SFX: Flurry of activity. Phones ringing, people talking in the background.
INSPECTOR TAN: And yes tell the MP we cannot make a statement today. Miss Lucy, if you hear from him please call us back, we will give you all out contact details.
BETINA: Inspector what is going on?
INSPECTOR TAN: Your David is at large. It was not him on the tracks. It was someone else. I have to go.
BETINA: How can that be? I saw his mobile phone lying on the tracks.
INSPECTOR TAN: Did you see him actually jumping onto the tracks?
BETINA: Yes, No I mean it was during rush hour. There was a sea of people on the train station.
LUCY (VOICE ON THE PHONE): What is going on? Someone tell me.
INSPECTOR TAN: Lucy, or whoever you are. David is alive and was not the one who was killed this morning. He will try to reach you. You must report him immediately. Now I have to go.
SFX: Phone clicks dead.


SFX: Indian street sounds, cycle’s rings, honks from Motor vehicles, street vendors shouting deals in vernacular, hustle and bustle.
LUCY: Yes.
DAVID (INDIAN ACCENT): You didn’t recognize me, did you? It’s me David.
LUCY: Oh my God, you have changed completely, your accent and your looks. What are you doing here; it’s been over a year since the police have been searching for you.
DAVID (INDIAN ACCENT): I know which is why I did not call you. Your phones are bound to be tapped. Which is also why I waited for a whole year before contacting you? They have pulled back the surveillance these last few weeks.
LUCY: What’s with your voice?
DAVID (INDIAN ACCENT): Well, if you can be accent trained for a Global audience, so can I be trained to meld into an Indian setting.
LUCY: You shouldn’t have tried to contact me. It is dangerous for you and honestly I have nothing to offer you.
DAVID (INDIAN ACCENT): The offer is for me to make. Can I please take only a few minutes of your time? Maybe a coffee and that is all.
LUCY: OK but that will be it, and I don’t guarantee that I won’t turn you in.
SFX: Sounds of a Darshini. Clinking of utensils. Sizzling from frying pans. Waiters taking and passing orders.
WAITER: Kya loge, Idli, wada, kafi
LUCY: One plate idli and one coffee
DAVID: Mere liye bhi wohi
LUCY: What happened that morning at the station?
DAVID: Do we have to talk about that? What is important is that I am here for you and you are here for me. Don’t get me wrong, all I want is your friendship. I already have a life of my own now.
LUCY: What life do you have here in Bangalore?
DAVID: For one I have a job with a call center, not far from yours. You will be surprised at the demand for western accented Indians in the city these days. It pays my bills. I have a single room chummery that I share with a few other guys. It is a quiet meager life, but a life of possibilities. I have plans for the future; I have dreams and am leading a real life. I am glad I left that emptiness behind me.
LUCY: Do you feel well?
DAVID: Mostly yes. I do get panic attacks once in a while, but it is easy to get medication from the chemists here without prescriptions so there is no fret with doctor visits and complicated insurance. Lately I have not had the need for any medication at all.
LUCY: How did you escape from the station?
DAVID: Lucy, please listen to me. The past is not important. Now I have a new passport, a driving license and a Tax card. I am a new person now. Even if anyone tried they will not be able to trace me. I am happy and satisfied with my life here. The killing was worth it, because it saved my life.
LUCY: So you did push that poor guy onto the tracks? God that is really terrible. Did you have to take a life for this freedom?
DAVID: I am not completely sure what happened there. All I know is, I was next to a man who was falling onto the tracks. What is true is that a moment of clarity dawned on me at that exact minute. I could have reached out and tried to pull him back, but I did not. I didn’t push him; I simply made a split second decision not to save him. I am sure the Police have been through the camera tapes and found nothing.
LUCY: How could you?
DAVID: Well, I knew Betina would tail me to the most logical place, the train station. When the poor man met with his end, I simply threw my mobile phone and other personal belonging onto the tracks. Then, I went back home, got my passport and headed straight to the airport. The chaos and evacuation at the station was enough for me to slip out un-noticed. I just had to duck into the crowds so I would not be captured on the surveillance cameras, that is all.
LUCY: But the police closed down all immigration check points.
DAVID: Yes, but I had a six hour head start. I simply took many short hop flights. Eventually the permutations of routing become just too much for anyone to follow through. By the time I was in Guangzhou I felt quite safe. Then through China and Russia I was able to cross over the border in the summer. In these places hard currency is your identity, no questions asked. It can get things done for you.
LUCY: Yes I could not help noticing that you made a cash advance against your cards that morning before you went to the station. You maxed out your credit limit.
DAVID: Yes getting that direct line to you was one thing, what the Gold card actually gave me was an enhanced credit limit. I needed that on the road. Without the cash I would have been slit and thrown to the birds of prey in the Himalayas.
LUCY: What is point of all this?
DAVID: Well (PAUSE) now I have a life that I have built and one that I can live. And I have much to thank you for the happiness that I have found.
LUCY: Me, what did I do?
DAVID: You were my window to reality. You were the catalyst the helped revive my lost memories. For some reason your vision in the Aviary brought back the past, almost like re-reading a book after many years. You gave me the courage and the will to run away from a dream and wake up to a new life.
LUCY: You are an odd one.                     
DAVID: Now I have a question for you. You said one of your answers was a lie?
LUCY: You mean the three questions that you had asked me?
DAVID: Yes. Clearly you are not a blonde which leaves two possibilities. You don’t love me either which means you did tantalize me through all those phone calls.
LUCY: Let us ask for the bill, I need to get to work. You must be getting late for work as well.
DAVID: (RAISED VOICE): Arey bill dena. No I did the night shift.
LUCY: Thanks, by the way – you are wrong about the answers that I gave you.
DAVID: You mean you actually loved me and were willing to be with me.
LUCY: I just wanted to escape the hell of this city and this life and I always thought you could get me out of here. Yes I did love you. But now things are different.
DAVID: (CHUCKLING): For some, the grass is wilted on either side. Anyway I will see you again sometime. Bye for now.
SFX: Street sounds. Phone dialing. “Hello”
LUCY: Inspector Tan, I found him.
